02 April, 2009

Recee Jerangkang Waterfall Track

Pada 2.4.09 - aku 'n' Yant amik 1/2 day ptg. nak recee track
rider Echeng 'n' Pokcik, kita org jumpa kt petronas station airport, gerak kul 2 terus pie
rumah Pak itam kat paya bungor...landrover hijau sdg menunggu...kami sumer teruja.
Riders, Echeng & Pok Cik test ride trek Jerangkang for the recce..mak ooi..pancit beb..
half way bike on the landrover coz pokcik takut tak sempat nak mandi air terjun..nak terjun tiruk..baik punyer...worth it..berbaloi-baloi (Amy search quote)..
Meanwhile, pak Itam tetap positif sumer bila ngan group, sure sumer boleh rem punyer..telan air liur gak Echeng & Pokcik dengar..but we can discuss further, my thought...let's wait and see the actual day..thought of contigency plan, escort landrover and lorry to carry bike and rider ..mmph..not bad argh..energy saver, healthy lifestyle taruk sumer skali...

1 comment:

  1. kelakor nengok muko eceng...
    pokcik mu mmng terror ahh
